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Coronavirus Mallorca Zahlen Heute

COVID-19 on the Balearic Islands: Cases Continue to Surge

Rising Infection Rates and Hospitalizations

According to the latest figures released by the health authorities on Tuesday, there were 88,705 known cases of COVID-19 on the Balearic Islands. This represents a significant increase since the beginning of the pandemic, with a total of 115,323 people having tested positive for the virus. The situation is particularly concerning as the number of intensive care unit (ICU) patients continues to rise each day.

Government Response

The Spanish central government has reported a seven-day incidence rate of 156.5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants for the Balearic Islands. In response to the rising numbers, the government has implemented a series of measures, including restrictions on social gatherings, curfews, and mandatory mask-wearing.

Impact on Tourism

The surge in COVID-19 cases has had a devastating impact on the Balearic Islands' tourism industry, which is a major source of income for the region. Many tourists have canceled or postponed their trips, and hotels and restaurants are struggling to stay afloat. The government is providing financial assistance to affected businesses, but it remains to be seen how the situation will evolve in the coming months.

Vaccination Campaign

The Balearic Islands are currently engaged in a mass vaccination campaign, with the aim of immunizing as many people as possible. The government has set a target of vaccinating 70% of the population by the end of the summer. If successful, this could help to bring the pandemic under control and allow the tourism industry to recover.
